5 activities to double the interactions you get in social media

5 activities to double the interactions you get in social media


y teenage daughter did what she called an experiment. She wanted to measure the level of interaction that she would get by posting the same event twice on Snapchat but with different captions. In the world of online marketing, this is called A/B Testing.

She wanted to confirm that by posting relatable content, that is, content of real and daily things that could happen to all of us, her friends would interact more with her.

So, the proverb goes:

Let love and faithfulness never leave you… Then you will win favor and a good name in the sight of God and man.

Proverbs 3:3-4

My daughter’s experiment was a total success. She was very excited as she told me: the relatable caption got double the interactions among her friends than the generic caption. If you post in love and faithfulness, you will build a good reputation among your followers with God’s help. Post relatable content in love and faithfulness by using the 5 activities to double the interactions you get in social media.

1. Become truly interested in your followers

In this you manifest your love: in becoming interested in your followers. Pay attention to your comments, their plights and victories, their life events, or their family reunions. Congratulate them on their birthdays and celebrate their anniversaries. Read between the lines.

It might seem unnecessary, but a greeting and answering a question can generate high degrees of loyalty on social media. This will open the door to the acceptance of your message so that it can be received with reciprocity and increased interactions when posting your own content.

2. Discuss common issues

Many times, Christian organizations deal with social media as an extension of their pulpit… the formal pastor that preached on Sundays now preaches every day. It appears that some pastors stopped being ordinary people a long time ago. Act like a common person. Talk about issues of interest to all, and do not use social media as just your billboard.

Share your best kept secret on Friday afternoons: the best and cheapest pizzeria. Suggest fun activities for the whole family on Saturday mornings. Share your opinion on the news headlines of the day on Tuesday afternoons. Address the problems in your community head on and without hesitation. The more common a person you are, and the more you talk about issues of common interest, the more your followers will interact with you.

3. Create relatable and actionable content

Creating content that resonates with others is called relatable content. I invite your to do an Internet search right now on this phrase and to click on this link. This will give you an idea of what I am talking about.

Follow this advice to create relatable content:

  • Share simple content
  • Organize content so that it’s easy to get through
  • Show the “how” and not just the “what”
  • Use visual aids
  • Answer questions before they are asked
  • Laugh at yourself and share good humor

4. Call people to action

A Call to Action or CTA can be derived from actionable content. These are phrases that call others to perform a specific action. Forgive me for the grammar lesson but use verbs in the present tense or imperative form..

Phrases such as: “like”, “click on”, “visit our website”, “share”, “donate”, or “answer,” are good examples of call to actions. Limit the use of passive phrases or conditionals: visit if you like” or “click on this if you like it,” do not get the same traction.

Good and bad examples of actionable phrases from real life
Good and bad examples of actionable phrases from real life

Create a sense or urgency by using phrases of quantity and time: “now”, “for a limited time,” “there are only 5 spaces left,” or even “when applicable.” Use a countdown timer.

5. Try to recruit influencers

If you want to double the number of interactions in social media, make sure you recruit people of influence in your circle of action. It is not about being dishonest or taking advantage of this advice. Use truth and love to create new and real bonds.

Gaining membership to interest groups on Facebook has been a key to multiplying my reach on social media. Request to be added and become an active member by providing ideas and relatable and actionable content in these groups.

It is possible that Facebook may penalize you for publishing too often in groups. For this reason, I like to use the Open Graph Object Debugger.

Open Graph Object Debugger in Facebook
Open Graph Object Debugger in Facebook

Although its purpose is to predict and correct the information that Facebook will show when you share your links, you can use the section from “shared dialogue” to post from there.

To date, I have not been penalized for sharing content on interest groups from this window. Use the link “See this in the share dialog,” indicated by the red arrow in the previous image, to open it.

Use the share dialog to share your content in groups and pages
Use the “share dialog” to share your content in groups and pages

Just like my daughter, experiment with the type of content you post and evaluate the results for yourself. Use these 5 activities to double the interactions you get when sharing.

Start interacting. Tell me what you think by answering these questions:

How about you, what is your experience interacting on social media? Have you though about the advantages of love and faithfulness when posting?

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Vladimir Lugo

Technology that releases the power of your mission.

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