had followed the advice and best practice on how to create an outstanding website. He dedicated much effort and paid great attention to detail. His website was not missing anything… except for visitors. He was not following any of the SEO tricks I am sharing here.Currently, there are over 2 billion websites in the world, and the probability that your website will appear among the top spots on its own dwindles with each passing day. A website without visitors is like a voice crying out in the desert. The difference is that the digital desert is crowded with people.
Many will say they are loyal friends, but who can find one who is truly reliable?
Proverbs 20:6 NLT
Do you announce your message through digital media; however, no one can find you? Then you are probably missing these 5 SEO tricks guaranteed to improve your website traffic.
SEO Trick #1: Create Your Meta Content with Dedication
The title, the author, the description, the phrases, and the keywords of each one of the pages in your website are known as “meta content”, or content about the content.
The meta content is the main door for search engines to track your website. Dedicate enough time to writing and refining your website’s meta content. This becomes even more critical if you publish in non-text media, such as pictures, audio, and video.
For most of those whom I consult on matters of digital presence, writing meta content does not come so naturally. That is why I obtain information indirectly: I help them think in terms of their IDEAS.
IDEAS is an acronym for Identity, Direction, Emblem, Alignment and Strategy, which will allow you to generate an overview of your website (check out this article for more information).
I have developed a questionnaire to develop your IDEAS. If you wish to obtain a copy of this questionnaire, click on the following link and you will receive it by email.
ACTION: Complete the IDEAS questionnaire to create your meta content.
SEO Trick #2: Install a Specialized Plug-in to Optimize Your Website
The best way to optimize your website for search engines is by installing a specialized SEO (Search Engine Optimization) plug-in. This type of plug-in will keep search engines informed on the changes in content on your website and will allow you, among other things, to feed your meta content.

I recommend that you use a professional plug-in such as All in One SEO. All in One SEO comes with its own control panel to configure all optimization options and provides you with a scoring system.

ACTION: Install, activate, and enable all the features in All in One SEO.
SEO Trick #3: Link Your Website to Search Engines
It is meaningless if you install All in One SEO and write relevant content with its corresponding meta content if you do not let search engines know about your existence.
You, at least, need to complete these steps to work in synch with them:
Verify your website with Google Search Console
Go to: https://search.google.com/search-console/about, you can toggle language settings if you like. Here, your website will become known as a “property.”

Click on “Add property,” write down your website’s address and click on “add.”

This will take you to the verification console. Click on “alternate methods”. Choose “HTML Tag” and locate the code shown in the figure:

Jot down the verification code in the respective section in All in One SEO.

Verify your website with Microsoft Bing’s Webmaster
To verify your site, go to: https://www.bing.com/webmaster/home/mysites. You can toggle language settings if you wish.
In the section “Add a site”, write down your website’s address and click on “Add.”

In the next window, you choose the method you want to use to add a site. Please notice that you could import from Google Search Console your sites or add the site manually. Add your site manually and click on “Add.”

This will take you the page you can use to verify your website’s ownership. Write down the verification code:

Jot down Bing’s verification code in All in One SEO as you did for the Google Search Console above.
Link the sitemap to your website
A sitemap is a sort of “family tree” for your website. To enable it, go to All-in-One SEO’s options set up to this end. The default name is sitemap.xml. Make sure this is enabled.

Since Google does not require that you provide a sitemap at the time of your website’s property creation, you must go back to add it. In the search console, click on your website’s property link, and note the menu on the left side. Click on “Sitemaps” then “Add.”

Then, do the same to submit a sitemap for the Bing Webmaster tools:

ACTION: Verify your website and register your sitemap on Google and Bing.
SEO Trick #4: Define Google’s Secondary Options
Google counts for more than 70% of all internet searches. This is reason enough to make sure your website includes its secondary optimization options.
- Google Analytics: This allows Google to gather detailed data regarding your website’s traffic. Create and account and register your website.
- Google My Business: . If your organization, or company, has a physical address where business is one, also register is with Google’s My Business.
Google utilizes Google Analytics to calculate your ranking among search results and uses Google My Business to increase your ranking based on the geographical location of the search. Google My Business also provides a richer result experience for your visitors and a ranking star system and recommendations.

Add the Google Analytics ID to the corresponding section in All in One SEO. Local SEO is available for All in One SEO as part of their paid Pro plan.
ACTION: Create accounts for Google Analytics and Google’s My Business.
SEO Trick #5: SEO Optimize Each One of Your Pages and Posts Entries
Google and Bing now know of your website. It is now up to each page and blog entry that you publish to be optimized so that it may be included in their ranking with ease. This function is also provided by All in One SEO.
In the main options of the plug-in, enable the use of keywords for your entries. Then, upon creating a page, or new blog post entry, note that below the editor you have a section to write meta content about it. Fill in all the meta content you can for the page or post, including the social meta, and advanced settings. The more you add to your publications the better they will perform. Attempt to obtain a score between 95-100 for each post.

ACTION: Write the meta content for every one of your pages and entries
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