6 integrations between your website and your social channels

6 integrations between your website and your social channels


immywas the person in charge of digital presence for one of the companies that I consult for. He once told me: “people who visit our website do not know about our activity on social networks, and our followers never find out what we publish on the website.”

This is a common problem, Jimmy! And there is no reason for it to be, as it is extremely easy to fix. You just need to integrate your social networks with your website and publish on your website with your social networks in mind.

Make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit through the bond of peace.

Ephesians 4:3

Your social networks and your website must be at peace with each other. You must link them together in perfect harmony to express the unity of your message. Unlike maintaining unity between people, this requires a minimum level of effort, if you implement these 6 integrations between your website and your social channels.

1. Include the links to follow you

This is certainly the easiest of all. Most WordPress themes and templates offer a space to include links to your social networks. Use this feature to get people to follow you.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Link your social networks on your website
Link your social networks on your website

The best way is for them to appear in the header and footer of your page. I like to use FontAwesome, a free specialized font of icons you can use as buttons for links instead of images. Using it helps to optimize your website.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Include FontAwesome icons in your website
Incorporate FontAwesome icons in your website

If your theme does not include such buttons to link to your social networks, use a plugin like Crafty Social Buttons, for example, to add them.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Install plugin Crafty Social Buttons
Install plugin Crafty Social Buttons

2. Make it easy for others to share your content

Next, prepare your website so that its content can be shared on social networks, in at least two ways: mark your quotable quotes and share the entire article.

Quotable citations

First, you decide, prepare, and highlight the quote that you want your followers to share. The most common way is to highlight a short text of your article so that people can share it via Twitter. To do this, you can use a plugin such as Better Click to Tweet.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Install plugin Better Click to Tweet
Install plugin Better Click to Tweet

These plugins have options to choose their visual appearance and the link to share. The one here looks like this and you can see it working in the quote towards the end of this article.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Quotable citation to share on Twitter
Quotable citation example to share on Twitter

Complete article

Second, the user shares the link or URL (Universal Resource Locator) on their social networks, giving the users the ability to edit their own message when sharing. To achieve this effect, I like to use a plugin called Sumo.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Install plugin Sumo
Install plugin Sumo

Sumo, among other things, lets you display your main networks in various places on your website, giving your users the ability to print the content or forward it via WhatsApp or email, depending on the options you configure.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Share post on Facebook with Sumo
Share post on Facebook with Sumo

3. Use the Open Graph protocol

Open Graph (OG) is a web code protocol in the form of OG tags, created by Facebook, to standardize web references to different kinds of media, including images, audio, and video.

You have certainly seen images on Facebook that appear choppy, interrupted, or do not appear at all. This happens because they do not have the correct ratio, or they do not use the OG labels appropriately.

The All in One SEO plugin, in addition to provide you with SEO optimization benefits, adds these tags to the website and to each entry, so that when you share your URLs they will look good on social networks. You can read more about All in One SEO here.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Enable Open Graph in the All in One SEO plugin
Enable Open Graph in the All in One SEO plugin

If you prepare your images so that they look good on Facebook, and they will look good on other social networks as well. You can check the OG tags for your links on the Facebook Debugger before sharing them. This will give you an opportunity to fix them if necessary.

4. Embed the syndicated feed of your most active networks

All social networks have a Resource Simple Syndication (RSS) feed that can be incorporated into your website pages.

If information is updated more frequently on your social networks than on your website, I recommend that you incorporate the source of your most active networks, be it Facebook or Twitter, on your pages.

Each social network has resources for developers, whether to create applications, widgets, or use their data (for example, the number of followers). To embed the feed on your page, you need a widget with web code that you can generate on the social network


In the case of Facebook, this is achieved by creating the code to embed on your website using their own developer tools. Visit the Facebook developer tools site to generate the code. You enter the URL of the Facebook page, or your group page, for example, in my case, my page link is https://facebook.com/vladimirlugomt.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Generate Facebook code to embed feed on your website
Generate Facebook code to embed feed on your website

Once you enter the information, click on Get Code. This will show you the code to embed onto your website wherever you want it to appear.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Copy Facebook code to embed feed on your website
Copy Facebook code to embed feed on your website


For Twitter, you can follow a similar procedure to embed your Twitter feed onto your website. To do this you must visit the publish Twitter site. You have several options for posting, including your own Twitter feed or that of other people. If you want to embed your own feed, enter Twitter page, in my case, https://twitter.com/vladimirlugomt and click next.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Generate Twitter code to embed feed on your website
Generate Twitter code to embed feed on your website

The previous image shows the Copy Code button, with which you can click on to get the code that goes onto your website, in the location you want to embed it. Now, every time you post on Facebook or Twitter, your updates will appear on your website directly and automatically.

5. Aggregate all comments in one place

Although WordPress has its own comment system, I like to use a comment aggregator. The aggregator brings the comments you receive from your social networks and displays them at the end of each one of your posts.

My favorite plugin to achieve this is the Disqus Comment System (which sounds like discuss).

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Install plugin Disqus
Install plugin Disqus Comment System

With Disqus, the comments you receive on Twitter, Facebook, or Google are added to those received by WordPress and displayed at the end of each article. Very neat trick!

6. Automatically republish your posts with IFTTT

I have written about this before. If you do not have If This Then That (IFTTT) and Zapier free accounts, please visit these websites right now and open one. They allow you to connect your social networks to create automatic republication flows. You can read more about IFTTT and Zapier here.

Vladimir Lugo: 6 integrations between your website and your social channels: Share post on Facebook automatically with IFTTT
Share post on Facebook automatically with IFTTT

With the formulas provided by these web services, your WordPress posts will appear on Facebook, your quotable quote will appear on Twitter, and your social media URLs will appear on your website, without the need for you to visit each social network separately.

If you have any questions about the installation and configuration details of the plugins in this article or about the other tools mentioned here, please let me know.

How about you, do you integrate all your social networks on your website? When you create content for your website, do you do it with social media in mind? Do you use any of these or any other tool for your website to integrate with social?

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Vladimir Lugo

Technology that releases the power of your mission.

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