5 improvements for a more professional looking website
Omar expressed his frustration to me because people did not visit his website. He spends a lot of time writing his best…
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6 reasons why to move your website to WordPress
I get frequently consulted with comments such as this: “My website is obsolete. It looks old and dated…”
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4 features Logos provides for faster sermon preparation
I want to conjugate the Word with the praxis; connect faith with works, transform understanding to change behavior…
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3 features to study the Bible using Logos
This next scene is most likely familiar to you: when I was a teenager, I used to watch these strange people carrying the Bible under their armpit. It was their seal…
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4 features Logos Bible Software has to make your research easier
Theophilus shrugged and sighed uneasy when he heard the requirements put forth by his professor for…
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3 features to read the Bible with Logos Bible Software
My closest friends can let you know. How do I know they are my closest friends? you say. Well. They are the ones who help me move everytime I have to…
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