5 Reasons your Graphic Design Work must include Canva
Moses received divine inspiration to build a tent. The desert tabernacle he built became the cultic center that would lead the…
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3 virtues gained when following a reading plan in Bible Gateway
My friend Aman did not follow a Bible reading plan. He would open the Bible, point to a section, and read whatever…
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5 secrets to increase your productivity in social media
As denoted by his voice, Pastor John was worried: “This is going to take a lot of work!” he said, “How can I incorporate social media without…”
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3 actions that will boost your social media ministry
Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, Jacob, John, and two others, troubled by the events surrounding the death and resurrection of…
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3 modalities of Evernote to ease your public speaking
The Bible introduced me to Evernote. Just as I said. Several years ago, I purchased one of the first smartphones…
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4 recommendations to maintain a devotional journal in Evernote
Ram is a new believer and is taking his first steps in the Christian faith. We were having coffee together when he…
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