4 ways teams can use Evernote to collaborate
I had never preached in English. Just thinking about it made me feel butterflies in my stomach with a cold sweat. It was year 2000, when…
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4 benefits the use of Evernote brings to your ministry
Mary is an excellent teacher and leads a strong ministry among other women. Listening to her speak is never enough…
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Book review: Connected Lives by Matias Paterlini
That morning, Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two others went to fish. Nothing fishy about it, since they were…
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Book review: Platform by Michael Hyatt
Every pastor, regardless o genter, knows how necessary it is to be trained in the works and arts of the pupit. The pulpit has become a synonym…
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4 things you get to learn when you run an online survey
There are tons of information you can learn about your readership when you conduct an online survey. As some of you know…
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6 recipes to redeem social media channels with automation
Ernie is a pastor with a strong social media presence, but tells me: “I spend one and a half hours creating a daily campaign.” Charlie is afrustrated teacher…
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