4 ways teams can use Evernote to collaborate
I had never preached in English. Just thinking about it made me feel butterflies in my stomach with a cold sweat. It was year 2000, when…
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Book review: Platform by Michael Hyatt
Every pastor, regardless o genter, knows how necessary it is to be trained in the works and arts of the pupit. The pulpit has become a synonym…
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5 automation flows to help you avoid scheduling conflicts
I have a confesion to make: It was hard to stop the habit of committing myself to many things at the same time in different places. If…
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3 ideas to redeem your email through process automation
I asked pastor Richard how he was sending his daily devotional to his congregation, to which he answered: “I just write it and…”
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7 practices to take good advantage of your email list
Every time I get asked what do I do for a living, I explain that I work in Information Technology. Having…
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5 distinctive marks of a successful digital presence
Estás emocionado porque llegó ese mueble que tanto necesitabas para tu oficina. Pero no leíste la letra pequeña que decía “Requiere ensamblaje.” Se veía lindo en la tienda cuando…
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