3 modalities of Evernote to ease your public speaking
The Bible introduced me to Evernote. Just as I said. Several years ago, I purchased one of the first smartphones…
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3 applications to keep your sermons always handy
Some preachers I know are very naughty. They hide many stories behind their apparent pulpit appropriateness and all seriousness…
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Book review: Connected Lives by Matias Paterlini
That morning, Peter, Thomas, Nathanael, James, John, and two others went to fish. Nothing fishy about it, since they were…
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Book review Cybertheology by Antonio Spadaro
Prophet Jeremiah had very rough times. God assigned him the arduous task to call a whole nation and its leaders to repentance, but…
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Book review: Digital Church by Juan Carlos Pinto
It was the Summer of 2014. I had the chance to meet the Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, monsignor…
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Book review: Platform by Michael Hyatt
Every pastor, regardless o genter, knows how necessary it is to be trained in the works and arts of the pupit. The pulpit has become a synonym…
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