5 SEO tricks guaranteed to improve your website traffic
Nestor followed the my advice to the letter and implemented all of the best practices to create a relevant website. He spent a lot of effort and…
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Book review: Digital Church by Juan Carlos Pinto
It was the Summer of 2014. I had the chance to meet the Secretary for the Pontifical Council for Social Communications, monsignor…
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8 reasons why you should run an online survey now
I was talking to a friend of mine about the needs of his congregation, and said: “you need to ask your members what their needs are.” He immediately replied…
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4 activities administrative technologies allow you to optimize
Once upon the time there was a manager whose bad fame preceeded him. When his boss learned about this, he asked the bad manager for a report…
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4 strategies of service provided by the technology of care
Mister Tom was eighty years old when he decided he wanted to learn how to use the computer. Through a…
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5 efforts carried by learning technologies ready for ministry
Several years ago I had the chance to visit an expo at the Library of Congress dedicated to historical artifacts from our first colonies…
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